Friday, May 21, 2010

Bowling with a two year old

So yeah....we won't be doing anymore bowling with Gabriel til he's a little bit older lol! He LOVES balls. Anything round, no matter what it is, is a ball to him. So you can just imagine his delight when we walked into the bowling alley lol!

We decided to let him "bowl" too. They gave us one of those little stand things that you put the ball on, and he can just push it down and it goes down the alley. Well, that wasn't good enough for Mr. Gabriel lol! He had to pick the ball up and throw it down there himself...but not just on our alley...anyone and everyone's that he felt like lmao! It was crazy! And as SOON as he'd let go of the ball, he'd go grab another one and try to do it too before the other one even reached the pins lol.

Then he threw a big ole fit because we put him in the stroller so we could actually try to play.

Needless to say - we didn't stay long! =)

From my precious Grandmother

My aunt Ruth sent me this in an e-mail yesterday. She found it on my grandmother's computer. It is so sweet and maybe it can give us a little bit of peace and comfort. I sure do miss her a lot!! She was an amazing person and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her and miss her terribly. I love you Mamaw Gloria!!! =)


When I think of the end of life's journey
 When my Saviour's sweet face I shall see.
I remember to ask for His blessings,
 For the dear ones that I'll have to leave.

 Lord, please look after my loved ones,
 When You come to take me away,
 Help them to cope with our parting,
 And love them and guide them each day.
 Help them to see that I've only gone Home,
To wait for them there in Your love,
Help them and love them, and guide them along,
 'Till we meet in Your Mansion above
 ~Dedicated to my family with all of my love~
 I wrote this poem as a song, a long time ago for my husband and my children,
Now it is just a poem, to hopefully help them, when I am called Home..

 The thought of dying does not frighten me..but the thought of their pain when I go breaks my heart...
Gloria Lee

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Evil Lunch Lady lol

Last year, Jacob ate the cafeteria food, instead of taking his own lunch. Well there's is a lunch lady there, she's one of the cashier's, and she is really, really rude. Keep in mind that this is an Elementary school! He complained to me a few times last year that she was rude to some of the other student's and to him as well, but I honestly never thought too much of it at the time. I just figured she's a grumpy old woman lol. But one day she flat out called my son "stupid" right to his face. He was in tears when I picked him up from school and he was telling me about what had happened. I immediately called the principal and told her what happened and that it wasn't the first time he had complained. She even told me that other parent's had called with some of the same complaints! She told me not to worry and that she would handle it. So I left it up to her and took her word for it. Jacob didn't want to eat tray lunches anymore after that, so I let him take his lunch to school for the rest of the year. 

This year he has also taken his lunch to school the entire time. This week though, I asked him if he wouldn't mind just going ahead and eating the cafeteria food since he only has a couple of weeks left before we move. I didn't want to keep buying all of the groceries because we are trying to get rid of all the food and stuff before we move out. He was fine with it. Well apparently today...the mean lunch lady struck again. *sigh* When Jacob got to the line she pointed Jacob and told the other worker in there that Jacob was telling her to shut up earlier, or the day before. I'm not one of those naive parent's that think my child can do no wrong, but I do know my son well enough to know that he'd never, ever tell someone, especially an adult to "shut up." Jacob was upset about this again, and told his teacher about what had happened. She told him she wasn't worried about it because she knows him and that's just not something he would do. 

Well first of all - I don't even understand why this woman still has a job working around little kids when several other people have already complained about her. It's one thing to be in a bad mood, but you do not call a little kid stupid! And now she's just going out of her way to be mean to my son by telling lies about him! I know that we are leaving soon, but I dang sure am not going to just sit back and do nothing about it. I called the school as soon as we got home, but the principal was out of her office so they took my number and told me that they'd have her call me back. I am just sick of it. The teacher's here don't even go to the lunchroom with the student's. I am going to suggest that they have someone standing there when those kid's are going through that line to see what is going on and to put a stop to things if necessary. If they aren't willing to do that than I will just tell them that I will come up there every day for the rest of this month until we leave and stand in that line with my son myself and I will damn sure put a stop to that crap right away! Don't mess with my child. I don't care who you are.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just stuff

I just felt like writing, but I really have no idea what to write about haha!

As most of you know, we are in the process of moving. Alex is being deployed again soon, and me and the boys are moving back home to Redwater. We are renting our house out here in Killeen, and we already have some renters ready to move in as soon as we are out of here. This weekend we are going to take a trailer full of things back to our place in Redwater. We are planning on being out of here and moved in to Redwater completely by the end of the month. I can't wait to be back "home" but I wish it was under different circumstances, of course. We will miss him very much! :( At least we will be back home though, and that should make it a lot easier to deal with.

When I move back home I am planning on losing some serious weight! I can't wait lol. I always lose weight when I go back home, so I know I can do it. I am just way more active there than I am here. I don't feel safe going walking anywhere around here. It's just horrible everywhere you go, ugh! Plus, everything just looks so depressing around here and I can't stand seeing it all haha!! Food is not my issue at all. I am so picky and never really eat much anyway. Just gotta get my metabolism back up and I'll be good to go! =)

I wanted to write more than this, but Gabriel is refusing to sleep tonight so I need to go deal with him and get him to go to bed!! More later.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stupid people

So I've mentioned that I really do despise this town right? lol! I can't tell you how many times I get annoying solicitors coming to my door. Having a sign up doesn't even keep them away. Usually it's just the typical ones -- selling magazines or wanting to clean the carpets in one of your rooms blah blah. No, I never let any of them in or buy from them lol!

I have the ADT security system in my house. Yesterday some guy comes to my house telling me that he's in charge of security in my neighborhood. LOL yeah okay. He looked like he was about 20 or 21. He asked me if I had heard from my neighbors or seen "all over the news" about the security alarms in my neighborhood. Um no? He told me people are cutting the wires to them from the outside of the house so that they won't work when/if someone breaks in. He goes on and on telling me he can install this new system (APX security) for me for no cost. That it's all touch screen and goes through the cell phones so that the issue with cutting wires won't be of concern. Then he was like there's normally a $199 connection fee but I am waiving that fee too! I will just come in and install this for you, blah blah. Do I look stupid to you? haha! He was trying to scare me into falling for it all too. Telling me that eventually all alarm systems will go to this and it's something I need to get NOW. I told him I am just fine with ADT and that I'm not interested. He finally left. When he left I got online searching this APX thing and there are a TON of bad reviews about it. It's like a huge scam. They get you into this ridiculous contract with them and most of their stuff is expired. After I did that I called ADT and told them about it and asked them if there was in fact an issue with what he said going on in my neighborhood. They told me the whole thing sounded weird to them and that it didn't matter what cords were cut, it goes through a radio thing and that if someone broke in, they WOULD know about it. They also said they had heard nothing about this issue going on and that if they were me, they'd call the police station and let them know about this guy and plus, if something like that really was going on in my neighborhood, the police would know about it. So I get off the phone with them and debating calling the police station and I look outside and that dude is sitting on the corner of my driveway talking on a cell phone and staring at my house! This was a good 15 mins after he left my door. So that was enough for me. Oh not to mention, even though all of this is public information, he knew my name and how long I've lived here.

Anyway, so I call the police station and tell them the whole story. The woman told me that nothing like that has ever been reported and she had me describe the guy and all of that and told me she was sending a cop out to my neighborhood to locate him. I did see a cop car driving around about 10 mins later, so hopefully they found the guy and talked to him. Something about that whole thing just didn't feel right to me. Not only was it creepy, but I hate when people try to scam other people, ugh!!!

I really hate this town LOL!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

La la la

It's been a few days, and I am bored, so I decided to enlighten all of you with another blog entry! Lol!

This weekend has been pretty uneventful. Alex is away for a week, so it's just me and the boys. I wish he was home! I hate when he's gone. :(  For some reason, Gabriel did not sleep well at all Friday night. Probably because Alex was gone. I felt like I had a newborn all over again. He was up constantly throughout the night. Ugh! I was so tired from all of that, that I didn't do much at all besides laundry Saturday, haha. Today I cleaned the house some and played with the boys. We went to Walgreens to get some things, then to McAlister's for dinner. I love their baked potatoes and sweet tea. Yum! After that I vacuumed the house. What an exciting weekend!! Lol!

I am still waiting for my Keyboarding teacher to grade my stupid final that I turned in almost two months ago. She has refused to do it until everyone else has taken the final. Whatever. I know I passed that class with an A, but still. It would be nice to get the final grade for that class!

I am sad that it is Sunday and it's back to Monday tomorrow. :( I know that some people love when their children go back to school, but not me! I like having Jacob at home. Now with Gabriel...that might be a little bit of a different story. *giggles* :p!!!

I am just waiting for Army Wives to come on, then probably going to bed. I am tired! Gotta get up at 6am tomorrow. Boo!!