Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ahh...much better!

I am feeling so much better and less stressed now that I am finally finished with this semester! Three A's, and two B's, yay! Now I can relax some (at least with the school part haha) til June. This break is much needed, lol!

I am sitting here listening to Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars. Anyone remember that song?!! Youtube it and you will remember, ha! I was in the car today and that song came on the radio and I was like - WOW! It's been a long time since I've heard that one! Good song though. ;)

I am so freakin glad that Siobhan finally got kicked off American Idol tonight. I was kind of worried seeing her and Casey in the bottom. Casey is not my favorite, but he is definitely way better than she is. I used to really like her at first. That whole screaming thing got old fast though, and the way she always started crying and whining every time the judges didn't say what she wanted to hear really got on my nerves. Next week should be interesting though...Sinatra? lol! We'll see how that goes!

Hmm...yup. I guess that's about it! :p

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Grandmother

As most of you that would be reading this know, my precious grandmother passed away this year on Valentine's Day. It devastated everyone in my family and many, many other's that knew her. She touched so many people's lives, not just her family's. I was very close to her. I used to spend every summer at her and my Papaw's house with some of my cousins. Everyone seemed to love her! She just had that effect on people. She was a no-nonsense, tell it like is kind of person, but people were still drawn to her even if they didn't like what she had to say and didn't want to hear it lol! I could never have imagined my life without my Mamaw in it. It is still so hard for me to believe that she's really gone. Sometimes I will see something or hear something and I think to myself, "I have to tell Mamaw about this," and then it hits me that she's not here anymore. My mother gave her a necklace years ago that my grandmother wore all the time, and never took off. This past Summer when I was visiting her at her house one day, she took that necklace off and gave it to me. I was so shocked that she even took it off to begin with, lol! Now I wear it all the time and never take it off. =)

When she passed away, I think I was in a state of shock. I felt sad, but everything just seemed unreal and I didn't cry much. Even at her service. Of course I cried some, but I didn't totally break down like I thought I would if I ever had to face that. When we got back here to Killeen though, it really hit me -- hard. I was just totally depressed and crying a lot and didn't feel like doing anything at all. I just wanted to stay in bed and cry. A few days later I had a dream about her and in my dream she told me that it is okay to grieve, but not to let it consume me. She told me that she is happy. I felt a lot better after that because I really believe that she was speaking to me, even though it was a dream. She never liked it when people got on her nerves lol!!!

Since then, there have been just little things that have happened to make me KNOW that she is watching over me, as I'm sure she is with all of us. Mostly it's in dreams. The other day I was in my room and I have a picture of her in a frame in there and it just suddenly fell. I was like yup...she wanted me to know that SHE did that, lol! But today something really cool happened. I was driving home on my way back from the store and the song, "The Dance" came on the radio. That is one of the songs that was played at her service. I just kinda smiled and said outloud, "You are here with me right now aren't you Mamaw?" Right after I said that, another song came on. "Holes in the floor of Heaven." She LOVED that song. I remember listening to it with her all the time with my cousin, Kerri. It was also a song that was played at her service. I haven't even heard that song come on the radio in SO long! I definitely knew then that she really was with me and she was going to let me know it! =)

I miss her everyday. I think about her all the time. Most days I am fine, but I definitely have my moments. When that happened today it was a little sad, but it also made me feel really happy because I knew she was there and that she is watching over us all the time.

I love you Mamaw Gloria! "More and more and more!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blah day

Today was just kind of boring and uneventful. I have just been in a "blah" mood all day. Just one of those days, I guess.

I am finished with all of my classes this semester except Medical Transcription 2. I would be finished with that too, but you can't work ahead or at your own pace in that class -- everything is posted weekly. The final will be open on Tuesday, and after that I will be finished until the Summer semester starts in June. I am getting really anxious and nervous though because several of my reports that I have turned in have not been graded yet. I really need to see those grades and see what I missed on them so I won't make the same mistakes over and over again. The final consists of several transcripts so um yeah -- I need to see all of my grades and mistakes! I am really hoping that my teacher will get those graded before Tuesday. I know the teacher is busy and everything, but if I am expected to turn in an assignment on a specific date, then it seems like she should get them graded on time as well. *shrugs* At least she is not as horrible as my Medical Transcription 1 teacher was -- that was a nightmare! By the way, I will have that nightmarish teacher again this summer for my Advanced Medical Transcription class. Yay or something! lol

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Blog

Hey everybody! I am not sure who all will be reading this, but I mainly am using this for myself and for my usual family members/friends on Facebook to help keep in touch with what is going on. When I had a Myspace account, I used to blog all the time! I can't stand writing "notes" on Facebook, and the status update things are just not long enough to be able to type in everything I want to say. A friend of mine uses this site, so I figured I would try it out too! (Thanks for all of your help, Misty!)

So anyway - a little about me:

My name is Tara, obviously! =) I have been married to my husband, Alex, for 11 years. He is in the military. We have two children - Jacob is 10, and Gabriel is 2. They are both wonderful!! I know all mothers say that, but they really are! hehe! I was born and raised in Texas and I LOVE it! We have traveled and lived all over the world, and Texas is still "home" and where I always want to be. I have a younger brother, Justin. He is awesome and VERY talented! I am very close to my Mom and my Dad. They are both remarried and I love both of their new spouses as well. My family is very important to me, and even though every family has its moments, I am close with mine and love them all! I have quite a few "friends" but just a handful of really close friends. They know who they are, and I love them as well! =)

I am very much a girly-girl. I have no shame in that, lol. I love the color pink, shopping, talking on the phone, music, manicures and pedicures, wine, makeup, etc. You get the picture! I think I am a decent person. I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes, but no one is perfect. I have learned from my mistakes and try to be the best person that I can be! I am 29 years old, but act a lot younger most of the time. Not that I am immature - I just like to be silly and have fun! I do know though, that there is a time and place for everything so yes, I know how to act in certain situations, haha! I love being around people that are fun and have a good sense of humor. If you are dull and boring and serious all the time then we would never be friends lol! I help people out if they need it, but sometimes that gets mistaken for being too nice and getting taken advantage of. I don't mind doing you a favor - but don't come around or talk to me if it's just because you want something, and then have nothing to do with me after that. I am slowly learning how to "cut ties" with people like that. It's just too stressful! With that being said, I am not trying to come off as some weak person that lets everybody walk all over me any chance they get. I can definitely stand up for myself and hold my own - and I do! lol! Some people may not like me because of that, but oh well! This is me - take it or leave it! =)

I am currently in school to become a Medical Transcriptionist. This semester is almost over and after that, I just have two more semesters left! I am always busy with school work and while it is stressful at times, I am loving it! I feel so accomplished! lol. I definitely know that I chose the right profession to go for - I love it! I can't wait to get out into the "real world" and start my career!

Well, I think that's about it for now. My goal is to update this often, so hopefully I will live up to that! lol