Sunday, May 2, 2010

La la la

It's been a few days, and I am bored, so I decided to enlighten all of you with another blog entry! Lol!

This weekend has been pretty uneventful. Alex is away for a week, so it's just me and the boys. I wish he was home! I hate when he's gone. :(  For some reason, Gabriel did not sleep well at all Friday night. Probably because Alex was gone. I felt like I had a newborn all over again. He was up constantly throughout the night. Ugh! I was so tired from all of that, that I didn't do much at all besides laundry Saturday, haha. Today I cleaned the house some and played with the boys. We went to Walgreens to get some things, then to McAlister's for dinner. I love their baked potatoes and sweet tea. Yum! After that I vacuumed the house. What an exciting weekend!! Lol!

I am still waiting for my Keyboarding teacher to grade my stupid final that I turned in almost two months ago. She has refused to do it until everyone else has taken the final. Whatever. I know I passed that class with an A, but still. It would be nice to get the final grade for that class!

I am sad that it is Sunday and it's back to Monday tomorrow. :( I know that some people love when their children go back to school, but not me! I like having Jacob at home. Now with Gabriel...that might be a little bit of a different story. *giggles* :p!!!

I am just waiting for Army Wives to come on, then probably going to bed. I am tired! Gotta get up at 6am tomorrow. Boo!!



I know! I hate when my kids aren't here! I feel so weird. I have Luke at home, but even he gets bored when the older boys are at school. Since they are about the only people I talk to, I love for them to be here.


Tara Talk?! LoL! That's hilarious. It's like...if you had a talk show. LoL! Yeah, I know what you mean about the whole school thing though. BUT, the reason why I don't like it, is because I have to get up at! :) I like how you have all your pictures on the right side, that's cool. Anyway, Love you! <3


LOL Brandy...I should definitely have my own talk show. That would be hilarious! You and Katrina could both be guests. :)) :p


Oh no, we'd be the every day side kicks making fun of the guests and arguing with them. Or just randomly interrupting with interesting facts....LOL

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