Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Blog

Hey everybody! I am not sure who all will be reading this, but I mainly am using this for myself and for my usual family members/friends on Facebook to help keep in touch with what is going on. When I had a Myspace account, I used to blog all the time! I can't stand writing "notes" on Facebook, and the status update things are just not long enough to be able to type in everything I want to say. A friend of mine uses this site, so I figured I would try it out too! (Thanks for all of your help, Misty!)

So anyway - a little about me:

My name is Tara, obviously! =) I have been married to my husband, Alex, for 11 years. He is in the military. We have two children - Jacob is 10, and Gabriel is 2. They are both wonderful!! I know all mothers say that, but they really are! hehe! I was born and raised in Texas and I LOVE it! We have traveled and lived all over the world, and Texas is still "home" and where I always want to be. I have a younger brother, Justin. He is awesome and VERY talented! I am very close to my Mom and my Dad. They are both remarried and I love both of their new spouses as well. My family is very important to me, and even though every family has its moments, I am close with mine and love them all! I have quite a few "friends" but just a handful of really close friends. They know who they are, and I love them as well! =)

I am very much a girly-girl. I have no shame in that, lol. I love the color pink, shopping, talking on the phone, music, manicures and pedicures, wine, makeup, etc. You get the picture! I think I am a decent person. I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes, but no one is perfect. I have learned from my mistakes and try to be the best person that I can be! I am 29 years old, but act a lot younger most of the time. Not that I am immature - I just like to be silly and have fun! I do know though, that there is a time and place for everything so yes, I know how to act in certain situations, haha! I love being around people that are fun and have a good sense of humor. If you are dull and boring and serious all the time then we would never be friends lol! I help people out if they need it, but sometimes that gets mistaken for being too nice and getting taken advantage of. I don't mind doing you a favor - but don't come around or talk to me if it's just because you want something, and then have nothing to do with me after that. I am slowly learning how to "cut ties" with people like that. It's just too stressful! With that being said, I am not trying to come off as some weak person that lets everybody walk all over me any chance they get. I can definitely stand up for myself and hold my own - and I do! lol! Some people may not like me because of that, but oh well! This is me - take it or leave it! =)

I am currently in school to become a Medical Transcriptionist. This semester is almost over and after that, I just have two more semesters left! I am always busy with school work and while it is stressful at times, I am loving it! I feel so accomplished! lol. I definitely know that I chose the right profession to go for - I love it! I can't wait to get out into the "real world" and start my career!

Well, I think that's about it for now. My goal is to update this often, so hopefully I will live up to that! lol



i love your layout!! Soooo cute!!! I love the top how did you do the tara talk??


Great first post!! hehe! Who made that banner? It is gorgeous!! ;)


Thanks Carla! My friend Misty made that banner for me with Paintshop...I love it!!! =)


Yay! I have had a blog but I pretty much abandoned it when I had like no one to follow!

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